Wednesday, March 17, 2010

week 3

Hello! I have been working with Mike this week and loving it! He kicked my butt this week- Funny! I was thinking that the workouts weren't as intense as my old workouts had been and, then, what do ya know? They got harder!

He upped the weights and started with a bunch of push-ups. Push-ups are very hard for me. This week I did them on the floor and on a bar, pull ups on the bar (even harder than push-ups), and planks on the bar. He's shown me some yoga poses that are particularly challenging and I'm excited to see if I can do them at some point.

I had my first meeting with Manuel this week. Really nice guy, too. He gave me a bunch of computer surveys to do before meeting with him. We talked about what my schedule is like and what kind of eating plan I need in order to make things easy for me to follow. We also talked about my workouts with Mike so Manuel could get a sense of how many calories I'm burning.

He asked me to make some small changes before he gives me an eating plan. He changed my breakfast to something much larger than what I'd been having and asked that my snacks all contain protein. I'll have to go shopping.

1 comment:

  1. Why the protein in the snacks? That's my favorite food group!
